Submission > Submission instructions

Your document must respect the following instructions :
  • Your document must be in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm)
  • It must be a maximum single page
  • It must be in English
  • It must respect the ICSE2023 conference template
  • Submission deadline: February, 17th, 2023

Download the template 📄


Present your work at ICSE conference, one of the major international scientific forums in the field of serpentine ecology, bringing together botanists, zoologists, microbiologists, physiologists, geneticists, geologists, soil scientists, and other applied specialists studying the ecology of ultramafic rocks and soil.. There are 8 sessions to choose from, addressing a wide range of topics: 
  • Session 1: Geology, soils, & biogeochemical cycles
  • Session 2: Biodiversity: taxonomy and systematics
  • Session 3: Ecology and evolution
  • Session 4: Conservation and restoration
  • Session 5: Ecophysiology, molecular biology, and genetics
  • Session 6: Metal hyperaccumulation discovery & monitoring
  • Session 7: Plants of other edaphically challenging substrates
  • Session 8: Agromining and phytotechnologies


You only need 5 minutes to sumbit your abstract:

• 1. Create an account (only 5 fields to complete): 


• 2. Then upload your file on this page: 


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